All students should fill out a school information form and releases. Download the forms here and give them to Sifu Thompson before
class begins.
Regular attendance at class is a must. Students should plan on arriving at least a few minutes early, so that they can be ready to
participate when class begins.
Becoming proficient at Kung Fu requires practice. We expect students to do theThompson's Kung Fu stretching routine and to practice
skills on their own at least 2-3 times a week, in addition to the instruction they receive in class.
Students should practice a particular skill only after it is taught to them by Sifu Thompson, to ensure that they learn all the nuances
of proper technique. When they are available, higher-ranking students may give them additional help, if necessary.
First-time students should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and practice either barefoot or in socks. Continuing students should
purchase a kung fu uniform from Master Thompson, or else find one on
We are committed to offering the best instruction available at an affordable price. In return, prompt payment is expected. For group
classes, students should pay their class fees at the start of the 10-week session. Sifu Thompson will collect your forms and checks
at the start of class. Students taking private lessons must pay Sifu Thompson at the start of each session, unless they already have
paid in advance.
If you need to reschedule a private lesson, it is important to contact Sifu Thompson at least 24 hours in advance. (Exceptions may
be made for emergencies or illness.)